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大雪山深山竹雞   (點閱1881021)
器材分類:Nikon 尼康 / 數位單眼 / D300    日期:2011/7/10

今年最大熱門鳥深山竹雞(台灣特有種性隱密),有人為了牠摸黑上 ​山苦等一天只為了見他一面,有人連續摃龜還是再接再厲,幸運的我 ​總算也等到牠了,而且還見到了可愛的小深山,真是不虛此行。  







#3 可愛的小深山慢慢長大了,只剩頭部絨毛還沒完全換羽










#8     深山親子           



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回應列表 ( 3 )
alecyy 留言於2011/7/13 上午 11:22:16  

mazudy 留言於2011/7/14 下午 03:12:30  
ブランド 靴 gentlemen entered,ブランド靴 新作 Jane was no longer the first object.ブランド靴 激安 Miss Bingley's eyes were instantly turned towards Darcy,ブランド靴 取扱店
and she had something to say to him before he had advanced many steps.ブランド靴 通販 He addressed himself directly to Miss Bennet, with a polite congratulation; and she removed at his desire to the other side of the fireplace,ブランド靴 取扱店 that she might be farther from the door.ブランド靴 通販 He then sat down by her,ブランド靴 激安 and talked scarcely to any one else.ブランド靴 新作 Elizabeth, at work in the opposite corner, saw it ブランド 靴 all with great delight.

濱哥 留言於2011/7/14 下午 08:49:50  

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