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YASHCA I20 TLR 三雞排?   (點閱280896)
器材分類:Abit 環茂科技 / 120相機 / 其它    日期:2021/7/22
昨日偶而觀賞了老外精心製作的YASHICA TLR視頻.

影片看完之後.這才知道.YASHCA I20.TLR有三雞排?
不!是三種相機品牌:1.Pigeon .2.Yashima .3.Yashica.

Yashica 120TLR相機.應該可以算是日本120 TLR相機的長青樹.
從最早1953年出現的Pigeonflex.一直到1986年的Yashica Mat-124G.

Yashica 120 TLR歷經三種相機品牌.還有代工的其他TLR廠牌.種類繁多.

YASHCA  I20 TLR 三雞排?


1953-1954 The Simple Beginning
Pigeonflex Yashima Flex
Yashica Flex B

1954 A Step Up - Japanese Icon
Yashica Flex S

1954-1955 Full Range of Models Released
Yashicaflex A-I Yashicaflex A-II
Yashicaflex AS-I Yashicaflex AS-II
MolfoReflex Yashicaflex C
Yashicaflex A-III

1956-1957 The “Yashica” is born
Yashica Rookie Yashica Hi-Mec
Yashica A Yashica C
Yashica LM Yashicaflex A2

1957 First Crank Wind and Last “Yashicaflex” models
Yashica-Mat Yashicaflex AS (new model)
Yashicaflex B (new model) Yashicaflex A (new model)

1958-1959 The Classics, the 635 and D, Released
Yashica 635 Yashica B
Yashica D Yashica A III
Yashica Auto

1960-1986 Crank Wind Sophistication plus Automation
Yashica Mat-LM Yashica E
Yashica Mat-EM Yashica 24, 12 & Mat-124
Yashica Mat-124G Yashica Mat-124B.

[ 以上資料如有誤.請行家高手們的指正.]

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