攝影不會老.- 手札部落格
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一台相機.登上郵票.   (點閱1350304)
器材分類:Olympus / 傳統單眼 / OM-1    日期:2011/11/2

一台相機.能夠登上郵票.也實在不簡單啊 !

EXAKTA  VX相機.其知名度之大.由此可見一斑.



擁有過EXAKTA  VX相機的攝影同好.也許也會認同我的觀點.




Exakta Postage Stamp

The East German (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) postal authorities issued this 10 pfennig stamp and one other stamp (a 20 pfennig green) in celebration of the Leipzig Fair. This specific event was the Leipziger Herbstmesse (Autumn Fair) held in 1955. The blue 10 pfennig stamp illustrates the Exakta Varex VX along side of a binocular microscope. The small script underneath the illustration reads: "Messehalle II/III".

The 10 pf stamp is currently valued at £0.50 in the current Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalog. Its SG catalog Number is E222. Camera dealers/collectors having them, will naturally ask higher prices.



catalog Number is E222. Camera dealers/collectors having them, will naturally ask higher prices.


The East German (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) postal authorities issued this 10 pfennig stamp and one other stamp (a 20 pfennig green) in celebration of the Leipzig Fair. This specific event was the Leipziger Herbstmesse (Autumn Fair) held in 1955. The blue 10 pfennig stamp illustrates the Exakta Varex VX along side of a binocular microscope. The small script underneath the illustration reads: "Messehalle II/III".

The 10 pf stamp is currently valued at £0.50 in the current Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalog. Its SG catalog Number is E222. Camera dealers/collectors having them, will naturally ask higher prices.


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