R35867的「隨心拍」- 手札部落格
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最高的人造噴泉   (點閱1357424)
器材分類:Canon 佳能 / 數位單眼 / D3100    日期:2007/3/24
最高的人造噴泉 :
This is Fountain Hill in Arizona, USA; this is the highest fountain in the world that was verified by "Guiness". It shoots water 562 feet into the air for 10 minutes per hour, if you miss the fountain, you have to wait for an hour again.
Since the city is growing repaidly that name it as "Fountain Hill" city.

#1 Fountain view from the East side

#2 Fountain view from the West side, the Sun light came into camera

#3 Small and big fountain, view from the South side

#4 Fointain view from the street

#5 Fountain's height compares to the palm trees

#6 Fountain's height compares to the flag's pole

#7, Fountain is off


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回應列表 ( 6 )
小蛇仔 留言於2007/3/24 下午 03:31:51  
真是壯觀太美的 感謝分享

Almaden 留言於2007/3/24 下午 06:26:23  
Incredible and thanks for sharing!

R35867 留言於2007/3/24 下午 10:43:37  
Dear 小蛇仔,

R35867 留言於2007/3/24 下午 10:54:53  
Dear Almaden,
您客氣了,謝謝賞圖及指教 。

day690214 留言於2007/3/27 上午 10:21:20  



R35867 留言於2007/3/27 下午 01:04:10  
Dear day690214,
這是出名的旅遊熱點; 不是國家公園喔!
您喜歡與嚮往美國的景點 ,記住要來美國旅行哦!

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