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器材分類:Adobe 奧多比 / 120相機 / 其它    日期:2007/7/5
Taiwan’s political rights rating declined from 1 to 2 due to concerns about corruption, particularly links among politicians, business, and organized crime.


The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) suffered a resounding defeat in the December 2005 local elections, which reflected growing public frustration with the political gridlock in Taiwan. Following revelations that members of his family and close political aides were being investigated in a series of corruption cases, President Chen Shui-bian was forced to delegate some of his powers to Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang. Despite large-scale, ongoing demonstrations demanding his resignation and approval ratings in the single digits, Chen remained firmly committed to staying on until the end of his term in May 2008.

Located some 100 miles off the southeast coast of China, Taiwan became the home of the Chinese nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) government-in-exile in 1949, when Communist forces drove the KMT off the mainland following two decades of civil war. While Taiwan, still formally known as the Republic of China, is independent in all but name, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) considers it to be a renegade province and has long threatened to take military action against the island if it declares de jure independence.

The breakthrough for Taiwan’s transition to democracy occurred in 1987, when the KMT’s authoritarian leader, Chiang Ching-kuo, ended 38 years of martial law. The media were subsequently liberalized, and opposition political parties were legalized in 1989. In 1988, Lee Teng-hui became the first native Taiwanese president, breaking the mainland emigres’ stranglehold on politics. In his 12 years in office, Lee oversaw far-reaching political reforms, as well as Taiwan’s first multiparty legislative elections in 1991–92 and the first direct presidential election in 1996. In order to undermine Beijing’s claim that there was only “one China” and that Taiwan was part of it, Lee downplayed the KMT’s historic commitment to eventual reunification with China and promoted a distinct Taiwanese national identity.

Chen Shui-bian’s victory in the 2000 presidential race, as a candidate of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), ended 55 years of KMT rule. Chen and his vice presidential running mate Lu Hsiu-lien won reelection in March 2004 by a margin of only 0.2 percentage points after both were injured in an apparent assassination attempt. Although the opposition alleged that the shooting was staged in order to gain sympathy votes, two lawsuits challenging Chen’s win were rejected by Taiwan’s high court.

In August 2004, the Legislative Yuan passed a resolution for constitutional amendments. Members of an ad hoc National Assembly were elected to vote on what Chen termed “the first phase” of constitutional reform, and they approved the first set of constitutional changes in June 2005. The reforms wrote a national referendum mechanism into the constitution, cut the size of the 225-seat legislature by half, extended legislative terms to four years, and exchanged Taiwan’s single-vote, multiple-member-district electoral system for a system of single-member districts with proportional representation (a two-vote system). The new electoral system was set to be put into use in 2007. However, questions remained about the independence of the Central Election Commission, which was overseeing the redistricting of electoral constituencies, and whether the new system would curtail the continuing problem of “vote buying” and influence peddling during elections.

After failing to capture a majority in the December 2004 legislative elections, the DPP suffered a resounding defeat in the December 2005 local elections, with the KMT gaining control of 14 out of 23 local governments. The results reflected growing public frustration with the political gridlock that had resulted from two different, strongly opposed parties controlling the executive and legislative branches of government. The DPP had also failed to live up to its promise to offer an alternative to “dirty politics,” and instead came to be racked by infighting and corruption scandals. Although the DPP regained some ground at the end of 2006, retaining the seat of mayor of Kaohsiung and doing better than expected in Taipei, the December 9 elections were marred by accusations of vote buying and bribery on both sides. The Ministry of Justice regarded the charges as “very serious issues” and reported that 81 vote buying and bribery cases related to the mayoral elections and 509 cases related to the city councilor elections were under investigation.

In May 2006, Chen was forced to delegate some of his powers to Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang following revelations that members of his family and close political aides were being investigated in a series of corruption scandals. Chen had also been questioned in an ongoing investigation into the misappropriation of funds from his office. Despite large-scale demonstrations demanding his resignation and approval ratings in the single digits, Chen remained firmly committed to serving out his term, which ends in May 2008. He survived two attempts by opposition legislators to recall him in June and November, as they were unable to gain the two-thirds majority necessary to launch constitutional recall procedures, which would entail a public referendum and review by the Council of Grand Justices. Following the corruption indictment of First Lady Wu Shu-chen in November, Chen declared that he would only resign if she were actually convicted.

The December 2005 election defeat also made it clear that the DPP had to formulate a more effective response to the opposition’s conciliatory policy toward the PRC, under which the leaders of the two main opposition parties, the KMT and People First Party, had visited Beijing earlier in 2005. Despite China’s March 2005 promulgation of an antisecession law providing for the use of “non-peaceful means” against Taiwan if efforts to achieve a peaceful reunification were “completely exhausted,” the opposition’s policy had apparently resonated with the electorate. Nevertheless, polls consistently showed that more than 80 percent of Taiwan’s people would prefer to maintain the status quo in cross-strait relations.

In two major speeches in January 2006, Chen risked Beijing’s ire by signaling a return to his pro-independence roots. He called for a referendum on a new constitution by 2008, with no subjects barred from consideration; advocated applying to join the United Nations under the name “Taiwan”; and announced tightened rules on investment in mainland China. Despite intense public and private pressure from the United States not to take further measures that would threaten the status quo, Chen in February abolished the National Unification Council, a largely symbolic act demonstrating that reunification with the mainland was no longer a policy goal of Taiwan’s government.

In contrast to the bellicose rhetoric with which it had previously responded to such moves, the PRC has recently adopted a far more nuanced approach to Taiwanese politics. Beijing was apparently confident that Chen’s pro-independence initiatives had little chance of passing in the KMT-controlled legislature, and that front-runner Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT would soon replace Chen in the 2008 presidential election.

Political Rights and Civil Liberties

Taiwan is an electoral democracy. The 1946 constitution, adopted while the KMT was in power on the mainland, created a hybrid presidential-parliamentary system. The president, who is directly elected for a maximum of two four-year terms, wields executive power, appoints the prime minister, and can dissolve the legislature. The prime minister is responsible to the national legislature, or Legislative Yuan, the members of which are elected to four-year terms. The Executive Yuan, or cabinet, consists of ministers appointed by the president on the recommendation of the prime minister. Constitutional amendments are subject to the approval of two-thirds of the legislature, followed by a national referendum.

For the first time since it was founded in 1912, the KMT held democratically contested elections for the post of party chairman in 2005. The new leader, popular former Taipei mayor Ma Ying-jeou, vowed to reform the party, fight internal corruption, and recruit younger members.

The DPP-led administration of President Chen Shiu-bian has pledged to stem incidents of vote buying and to fight improper links among politicians, business, and organized crime, which flourished under KMT rule. The Ministry of Justice announced in September 2006 that since the establishment in 2000 of the Black Gold Investigation Center, a government anticorruption unit, 8,368 people had been indicted, including 451 senior government officials, 528 elected representatives and 3,289 members of the general public However, the DPP’s anticorruption efforts have been undermined and its image tarnished by a series of recent scandals: Chen Shui-bian’s close aide, former deputy secretary-general of the presidential office Chen Che-nan, was facing prosecution for corruption and insider trading, as was Chen’s son-in-law, Chao Chien-ming. In November, First Lady Wu Shu-chen was indicted for corruption in a case involving embezzlement of funds from the presidential office. In Transparency International’s 2006 Corruption Perceptions Index, Taiwan was ranked 34 out of 163 countries surveyed.

According to the Asian Network for Free Elections 2006 report on Taiwan’s December 2004 elections, observers in many constituencies “heard reports of widespread vote-buying, and many citizens clearly believe that it is prevalent.” The report notes that “statistics of the Ministry of Justice confirm that it is indeed still a significant issue in Taiwan, although they also indicate some success in cracking down on the practice.”

The Taiwanese press is “vigorous and active,” according to the 2006 human rights report issued by the U.S. State Department. Print media are completely independent, but electronic media and broadcast television stations were subject to government influence through the authority of the Government Information Office (GIO) to regulate programming and the licensing process until mid-2006, when a new oversight body was established. Criticism of the GIO’s handling of license renewal and revocation had ramped up in 2005, when TVBS, a Hong Kong–owned satellite television station known for its coverage of corruption and other government scandals, was fined for violating a law restricting foreign ownership to less than 50 percent. Following charges that the government was restricting press freedom, the GIO refrained from taking further action against TVBS. Given that most Taiwanese can access about 100 cable television stations, the state’s influence on the media is, on balance, minimal. Moreover, legislation approved in 2003 bars the government, political parties, and political party officials from owning or running media organizations. It also ordered the creation of a National Communications Commission (NCC) to replace the GIO in overseeing the operations of the broadcast media. The legislation to create the NCC as an independent body under the Executive Yuan was passed in October 2005 and the body convened for the first time in February 2006. Although the U.S. State Department report noted that some homosexual rights advocacy groups have reported monitoring and interference in online chat-rooms by the Taiwan authorities, there are generally no restrictions on internet access.

Taiwanese of all faiths can worship freely. Religious organizations can choose to register with the government; those that do so receive tax-exempt status. Taiwanese professors and other educators write and lecture freely.

Freedom of assembly and association are well respected, as evidenced by the large-scale yet mainly peaceful demonstrations that took place throughout 2006. Permits are required for outdoor public meetings, but these are routinely granted. All civic organizations must register with the government, although registration is freely approved. Taiwanese human rights, social welfare, and environmental nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are active and operate without harassment.

Trade unions are independent, and most workers in Taiwan have enjoyed the right to free association for many years. However, government employees do not have associational rights, and all teachers, civil servants, and defense industry workers are barred from joining unions or bargaining collectively. A riot by Thai workers in August 2005 highlighted the abysmal living and working conditions of Taiwan’s 300,000 foreign workers, who are neither covered by the Labor Standards Law nor represented by Taiwan’s unions. Foreign workers often fail to report abuses for fear of repatriation and subsequent inability to repay debts to the employment brokers through whom they find work in Taiwan.

Taiwan’s judiciary is independent, and trials are public and generally fair. There is no trial by jury; judges decide all cases. In August 2004, the Ministry of Justice established a task force to probe corruption in the judiciary, and since then, several officials have been brought under investigation. While political influence over the courts has been reduced, there are lingering concerns about the influence of organized crime on the outcome of some cases. Arbitrary arrest and detention are not permitted, and police generally respect this ban.

The police in Taiwan are under civilian control, although according to the 2006 U.S. State Department report, police corruption continues to be a problem. Suspects are allowed attorneys during interrogations specifically to prevent abuse during detention. The government is in the process of installing video recording technology in all interrogation rooms in order to document the techniques used. Prison conditions are generally adequate and conform to international norms. Because overcrowding is the most serious problem, expansion projects are in progress at a number of prisons.

Taiwan’s constitution provides for the equality of all citizens. Apart from the unresolved issue of ownership of ancestral lands by indigenous peoples, the rights of descendents of speakers of Malayo-Polynesian languages are protected by law, and the government has instituted social and educational programs to help the population assimilate into mainstream Taiwanese society. Companies wishing to compete for government contracts are subject to a quota system for employment of the Malayan aborigines and people with physical disabilities. In a measure to increase a sense of community among Taiwanese aborigines, the first aboriginal television station was launched in July 2005; it broadcasts a mix of news and features focusing on aboriginal communities. When the redistricting of electoral constituencies goes into effect, six seats will be reserved for indigenous peoples.

Laws protecting privacy are generally adhered to. Searches without warrants are allowed only in particular circumstances, and a 1999 law imposes strict punishments for illicit wiretapping. With the exception of civil servants and military personnel traveling to China, freedom of movement is generally not restricted. During the 2005 Lunar New Year holidays, direct airline flights between Taiwan and mainland China commenced for the first time in 55 years, with nearly 50 flights from Beijing and Shanghai to Taipei. The possibility of opening up these routes permanently is still being discussed. Currently, flights between Taiwan and China must touch down in a third country.

Taiwanese women have made impressive gains in business in recent years, but they continue to face job discrimination in the private sector. Rape and domestic violence remain problems despite government programs to protect women and the work of numerous NGOs to improve women’s rights. Although the law allows authorities to investigate complaints of domestic violence and to prosecute rape suspects without the victims formally pressing charges, cultural norms inhibit many women from reporting these crimes. The Ministry of the Interior reported that 6,601 charges of rape or sexual assault were filed in 2006; of these, only 1,825 were tried and resulted in 1,535 convictions. According to the U.S. State Department report, experts estimate the actual number of rapes to be 10 times the official number.



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R35867 留言於2007/7/5 下午 12:33:08  
臺灣的政治權利對估計declined 從1 到2 由於對腐敗的關心, 特殊鏈接在政客之中, 事務, 和組織犯罪。概要ruling 民主黨進步黨(DPP) 遭受了回響的失敗在12月2005 日地方選舉, 反射對政治高壓封鎖的增長的公開失望在臺灣。在揭示以後他的家庭的成員和關閉政治助手被調查參加一系列腐敗案件, 陳水扁總統被迫委派一些他的力量對總理Su Tseng chang 。儘管大規模, 持續的示範要求他的辭職和支持率在唯一數字, 陳依然是牢固地決定停留直到他的期限的結尾在2008 年5月。 找出大約100 英哩在離中國的附近, 1949 年臺灣東南沿海成為了中國民族主義的Kuomintang (KMT) 政府在流放的家, 當共產主義力量駕駛了KMT 大陸跟隨二十年內戰。當臺灣, 仍然正式以中華民國著名, 是獨立總計名字, 中華人民共和國(中華人民共和國) 認為它一個叛教的省和長期威脅採取軍事行動反對海島如果它宣稱法理獨立。1987 年突破為與民主的臺灣的轉折發生了, 當KMT 的獨裁領導, Chiang Ching-kuo, 被結束38 年戒嚴令。媒介隨後自由化了, 1989 年並且反對政黨被合法化了。1988 年, 李登輝成為了第一當地臺灣總統, 打破大陸逃亡者的stranglehold 在政治。在他的12 工作年份, 李監督了廣遠的變法, 1991-92 1996 年以及臺灣的第一次multiparty 立法競選和第一直接總統選舉。為了破壞北京的要求, 有只"一中國" 並且臺灣是一部分的它, 李低估KMT 的歷史的承諾對最後的統一與中國和促進了一個分明臺灣全國身分。陳水扁的勝利在2000 總統競選, 作為讚成獨立民主黨進步黨的候選人(DPP), 結束了55 年KMT 規則。陳和他的副總統競選夥伴Lu Hsiu 先得權贏取了改選在2004 年3月由僅僅0.2 百分點邊際在兩個被傷害了在明顯的刺殺未遂之後。雖然反對斷言射擊進行為了獲取同情表決, 二個訴訟質詢陳的勝利由臺灣的高等法院rejected 。在2004 年8月, 立法元通過了一個決議為憲法修正案。特別國民大會的成員決定對什麼投票陳命名了"第一階段" 憲法改革, 並且他們批准了第一套憲法改動在2005 年6月。改革寫了一個全民共投機制入憲法, 削減了225 位子立法機關的大小由半, 延長的立法期限對四年, 和交換了臺灣的唯一表決, 多成員區選舉系統為唯一成員區系統以比例表示法(二表決系統) 。2007 年新選舉系統被設置被投入入用途。但是, 問題依然是關於獨立中央選舉委員會, 監督redistricting 選舉顧客, 並且是否新系統會削減"表決購買" 和影響偏狹的繼續的問題在競選期間。在不以後奪取大多數在12月2004 日立法競選, DPP 遭受了回響的失敗在12月2005 日地方選舉, 用KMT 取得對14 控制喪失23 當地政府。結果反射了對起因於二不同的政治高壓封鎖, 強烈被反對的黨的增長的公開失望控制政府行政和立法分部。DPP 並且未實現它的諾言為"骯髒的政治提供選擇," 和改為來由接近戰和腐敗醜聞折磨。雖然DPP 收復了一些地面在後期的2006 年, 保留Kaohsiung 的市長位子和做更好比被期望在臺北, 12月9 日競選由表決購買和賄賂的指責毀損了在雙方。司法部"非常嚴重的問題" 認為充電和報道, 81 個表決購買和賄賂案與市長的競選有關和509 個案件與城市委員競選有關是在調查之中。在2006 年5月, 陳被迫使委派一些他的力量對總理Su Tseng chang 跟隨他的家庭的成員和關閉政治助手被調查參加一系列腐敗醜聞的揭示。陳並且被問了在一持續的對資金的侵吞進行調查從他的辦公室。儘管大規模示範要求他的辭職和支持率在唯一數字, 陳保留了牢固地決定服務在他的期限之外, 結束在2008 年5月。他生存了二企圖由反對立法者召回他在6月和11月, 因為他們無法獲取三分之二的多數必要發射憲法回憶規程, 會需要公開公民投票和回顧由盛大正義委員會。在第一夫人以後吳・Shu 陳在11月, 陳的腐敗罪狀宣稱, 他只會辭職如果她實際上被判了罪。2005 年12月競選失敗並且講清楚, DPP 必須公式化對反對的和解政策的一個更加有效的反應往中華人民共和國, 在之下二個主要反對黨、KMT 和人第一個黨的領導, 在2005 年參觀了北京早。儘管中國的antisecession 法律的2005 年3月頒獎提供對"不安寧的手段的" 用途反對臺灣如果努力達到和平統一"完全地被用盡了," 反對的政策明顯地共鳴了與全體選民。然而, 民意測驗一致地表示, 超過臺灣的人的百分之80 會喜歡維護現狀在十字架海峽聯繫。在二主要講話於2006 年1月, 陳冒險北京的怒火由發信號回歸到他的讚成獨立根。他要求公民投票在一部新憲法在2008 年以前, 沒有主題被拒□考慮; 主張的申請加入聯合國以"臺灣名義"; 並且宣佈的嚴格的規則在投資在中國大陸。儘管強烈的公眾和私有壓力從美國不採取會威脅現狀的進一步措施, 陳在2月廢除了全國統一委員會, 一次主要象徵性行動顯示出, 統一與大陸不再是臺灣的政府的政策目標。與它早先反應了這樣移動的好戰的修辭對比, 中華人民共和國最近採取了一更多nuanced 方法對臺灣政治。北京明顯地是確信的, 陳的讚成獨立主動性有少許通過的機會在KMT 受控立法機關, 並且領先者Ma Ying-jeou KMT 很快會替換陳在2008 總統選舉。政治權利和公民自由臺灣是選舉民主。1946 年憲法, 被採取當KMT 是在力量在大陸, 創造一個雜種總統議會系統。總統, 直接地被選舉為二個4 年的期限最大值, 掌握行政大權, 任命總理, 和能溶化立法機關。總理是負責任的對全國立法機關, 或立法元, 成員的被選舉對4 年的期限。行政院, 或內閣, 包括部長由總統任命在總理的推薦。憲法修正案是須經批准立法機關的三分之二, 被全民共投跟隨。第一次因為1912 年它建立了, 2005 年KMT 民主舉行比賽了競選為黨主席職位。新領導, 普遍的前臺北市長Ma Ying-jeou, 發誓改革黨, 戰鬥內部腐敗, 和吸收更加年輕的成員。陳・Shiu-bian 的總統DPP 被帶領的管理承諾阻止表決購買事件和與不正當的鏈接戰鬥在政客、事務, 和組織犯罪之中, 茂盛根據KMT 規則。司法部宣佈在公眾的2006 年, 在2000 年從創立黑金子調查中心中, 政府anticorruption 單位, 8,368 個人被控告了, 包括451 位資深政府官員, 528 選舉了代表並且9月3,289 日成員然而, DPP 的anticorruption 努力被破壞了並且它的形象由一系列的最近醜聞損害了: 陳水扁的接近的助手, 總統辦公室陳・Che 南的前代理秘書長, 是飾面起訴為腐敗和知情人貿易, 像陳的女婿, Chao Chien-ming 。在11月, 第一夫人吳・Shu 陳被控告了為腐敗在案件介入資金的盜用從總統辦公室。在透明度國際2006 年腐敗悟性索引, 臺灣被排列了34 喪失163 個國家被勘測。根據亞洲網路為自由競選2006 報告關於臺灣的12月2004 日競選, 觀察員在許多顧客"聽取了報告普遍表決買, 並且許多公民清楚地相信它流行。" 報告注意到, "司法部的統計證實這的確是仍然一個重大問題在臺灣, 雖然他們並且表明一些成功在崩裂下來在實踐。" 臺灣新聞是"蒼勁的並且活躍," 根據2006 人權報告由美國各州部門發布。列印裝置完全地獨立, 但電子媒介和廣播電視駐地是依於政府影響通過政府問訊臺的當局(GIO) 調控編程和准許過程直到中間2006, 當一個新失察身體建立了。2005 年GIO 的處理的批評執照更新和廢止有ramped, 當TVBS, 洪由Kong 擁有的衛星電視駐地知道為腐敗它的覆蓋面並且其它政府醜聞, 罰款為違犯法律制約外國歸屬少於百分之50 。隨後而來的充電, 政府制約新聞自由, GIO 克制了採取進一步行動反對TVBS 。假設多數臺灣人能訪問大約100 個有線電視駐地, 對媒介的狀態的影響是, 總之, 最小。而且, 立法批准了在2003 個酒吧政府、政黨, 和政黨官員從擁有的或運行的媒介組織。它並且定購全國通信委員會的創作(NCC) 替換GIO 在監督廣播媒介的操作。立法創造NCC 作為一個獨立身體在行政院之下被通過了在2005 年10月並且身體第一次召開了在2006 年2月。雖然美國各州部門報告注意到, 一些同性戀者權利擁護團體報告了監視和干涉在網上聊天室由臺灣當局, 有一般對網際網路通入的沒有制約。所有信念臺灣人能自由地崇拜。宗教組織可能選擇向政府登記; 那些因此接受免稅狀態。臺灣教授和其它教育家自由地寫和演講。彙編自由和協會很好被尊敬, 依照由大規模主要發生在2006 年過程中的平安的示範見證。許可證必需為室外公開會議, 但這些定期地被授予。所有民事組織必須向政府登記, 雖然註冊自由地被批准。臺灣人權、社會保障, 和環境非政府組織(NGOs) 是活躍的和經營沒有騷擾。工會獨立, 並且多數工作者在臺灣享受權利對自由協會許多年。但是, 政府職工沒有associational 權利, 並且所有老師、公務員, 和國防工業工作者被拒□加入的聯合會或集體講價。暴亂由Thai 工作者在8月2005 日突出了臺灣的300,000 名外國工作者的深不可測的生活和工作環境, 不由勞工標準法律包括亦不由臺灣的聯合會代表。外國工作者經常不報告惡習為對遣送回國和隨後無能的恐懼回報債務對他們發現工作在臺灣的就業經紀。臺灣的司法制度獨立, 並且試驗是公開和一般公正的。沒有試驗由陪審員; 法官裁決所有案件。在2004 年8月, 司法部建立一個工作小組探查腐敗在司法制度, 並且從那以後, 幾位官員被帶來了在調查之中。當對法院的政治影響被減少了, 有對組織犯罪的影響的拖延關心對一些案件結果。任意拘捕和拘留不被允許, 並且警察一般尊敬這個禁令。警察在臺灣是在平民統制之下, 雖然根據2006 個美國各州部門報告, 警察腐敗繼續是問題。嫌疑犯具體地被提供律師在審訊期間防止惡習在拘留期間。政府是在安裝的錄影記錄技術過程中在所有審訊房間為了提供技術被使用。監獄情況一般是充分的和依照國際準則。由於過度擁擠是最嚴肅的問題, 擴展項目是進展中在一定數量的監獄。臺灣的憲法提供所有公民的平等。除祖先土地歸屬之外的未解決的問題由本地人, Malayo Polynesian 語言報告人後裔權利由法律保護, 並且政府設立社會和教育節目幫助人口同化入主流臺灣社會。公司希望爭奪政府合同是依於一個配額系統為馬來亞土人和人民的就業以身體傷殘。在措施增加社區感在臺灣土人之中, 第一原史電視臺被發射了在2005 年7月; 它播放新聞和特點的混合集中於原史社區。當redistricting 選舉顧客進入作用, 六個位子將是後備的為本地人。法律保護保密性一般被遵守。查尋沒有保證被提供唯一特別是情況, 並且1999 年法律強加對違法竊聽的嚴密的處罰。除公務員和軍事人員之外旅行到中國, 行動自由權一般不是限於。在2005 個月球新年假日期間, 直接航空公司飛行在臺灣之間和中國大陸第一次開始了在55 年裡, 以幾乎從北京和上海的50 次飛行向臺北。開放這些路線的可能性仍然永久地被談論。當前, 飛行在臺灣之間和中國必須著陸在第三國。臺灣婦女近年來做了印象深刻的獲取在事務, 但他們繼續面對工作歧視在私營部門。強姦和家庭暴力依然是問題儘管政府項目保護婦女和許多NGOs 工作改進婦女的權利。雖然法律允許當局調查家庭暴力怨言和檢控強姦嫌疑犯沒有受害者正式按充電, 文化準則禁止許多婦女從報告這些罪行。內務部報道2006 年, 強姦或性攻擊6,601 充電被歸檔了; 這些, 只1,825 被嘗試了和導致1,535 信念。根據美國各州部門報告, 專家估計強姦的實際數量是10 倍正式數字。

笑面刀 留言於2007/7/5 下午 11:06:44  












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