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[ I feel lonely, Christmas ] 耶誕夜拍. 風格篇   (點閱1185798)
器材分類:Canon 佳能 / 數位單眼 / EOS 5D    日期:2006/12/25

I feel lonely, Xmas.

Model 是年僅 16 歲的 Akina 小貓。

我想我已經愛上夜拍。在耶誕夜大家都覺得應該是歡樂氣氛時,為耶誕夜增添一點神秘的氣息,來個 lonely 主題吧。

此系列除封面、封底照有後製外,其餘均僅落款。同樣維持小弟個人夜拍的想法,盡量少用閃燈介入,以大光圈、高 ISO (100-400 不等)、慢快門,搭配現場光完成。


藝廊作品:I feel lonely, Christmas.
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回應列表 ( 3 )
R35867 留言於2006/12/27 上午 10:25:45  
Dear dannylin3000,
I just saw your photos, they are excellent; I think your hard work will be paid off. Don't worry that more people will like and appreciate your photos.
Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year to you.
R53867--USA, Leung Chung Po  

dannylin3000 留言於2006/12/27 下午 12:15:51  
Hi Chung Po, thanks for the compliment. I'm really new to DSLR. I wish to know more of you photography pro guys. Happy New Year! :)

R35867 留言於2006/12/28 上午 05:03:25  
Dear dannylin3000,
I just tell the truth that you shot good photos. I am not a pro guy, I shot my photos mostly by feeling, that is why may not everyone likes my photos. If you have a chance you can look my photos @藝廊 and let me know how feel; I welcome any good or bad comments. Thanks again.
R53867--USA, Leung Chung Po  

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