沖印館的美麗與哀愁- 手札部落格
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Time and Mind   (點閱340858)
器材分類:Canon 佳能 / 數位單眼 / D3100    日期:2008/8/18

等待吧...  希望會有轉機....

信念是很重要的  要學習保持正面的思考和想法  人生才不會侷限在灰色的世界中

精誠所至  金石為開


有些東西  隨風 而去  或許豁達與灑脫  才能幫助自己跳出自己設限的死胡同

Time heals the wounds. Sometimes, forget is another kind of bless.

Don't push ourself to be a candle in the wind. Gone with wind, just let memory lost, wait something beatiful coming.

Live always finds its way. I wish I can find my way.

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