論壇主選單 > 吳嘉寶話攝影 > Clarence John Laughlin對攝影藝術的詮釋



2006/10/12 00:46
器材: 其他 其他
下面這些名言,是名攝影藝術家 Clarence John Laughlin 1905-1985 對攝影與藝術的詮釋。請問有哪一位同學,有興趣把他翻譯出來?
"I am not concerned, then, with photography in a narrow sense — its fascination for me is related to my interests in modern painting, in social questions, and in the nature of light and of time. The mystery of light, the enigma of time - form the twin pivots around which all my work resolves."

"I despise "arty" technique but I dislike equally the use of the camera as a mere recording instrument. I am trying, instead, to create purely visual poetry, and to use objects as symbols of states of mind."

"I feel convinced that whole new worlds lie about us, sheathed in what we call the "commonplaceness" of reality."

"I learned that the camera is a machine only when used mechanically, that it could be made to respond to the special vision of a particular imagination."

"In the most "commonplace" objects marvelous new realities lie hidden, ordinarily unperceived relationships of forms, new combinations or psychological connotations, new aggregates of symbolic meaning."

"It infuriates me to see people with the power and position … try to stem the development of symbolic or hyper—real photography, and to force conformity on all photographers."

"My gradually evolved conviction that the camera could be used as an instrument to explore the mind of man, the inner world where man lives both by symbols and emotions, and that in achieving this, the camera would have been used in such a way that it became a direct extension of the luminous and super—sentient eye of the imagination - a third eye!"

"There have been only two chief and consistent concerns in my work: 1) luminosity — the magic of light itself; 2) the use of the object as a symbol, and hence, of the camera as a living instrument to probe the intangible psychological jungle in which every object is enmeshed."



1) 2006/10/16 13:33 
"I feel convinced that whole new worlds lie about us, sheathed in what we call the "commonplaceness" of reality."

"In the most "commonplace" objects marvelous new realities lie hidden, ordinarily unperceived relationships of forms, new combinations or psychological connotations, new aggregates of symbolic meaning."

Clarence John Laughlin 的這兩句話,其實和 Diane Arbus 1923-1971的 "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know. 以及 Minor White 1908-1976的" It is not what it is about, it is what else it is about"這兩句話有異曲同工之妙!




2) 2006/10/17 13:03 
"I learned that the camera is a machine only when used mechanically, that it could be made to respond to the special vision of a particular imagination."

"My gradually evolved conviction that the camera could be used as an instrument to explore the mind of man, the inner world where man lives both by symbols and emotions, and that in achieving this, the camera would have been used in such a way that it became a direct extension of the luminous and super—sentient eye of the imagination - a third eye!"我的成長經歷讓我確信,照相機可以成為探索人們內心世界所需的工具。這個內心世界是人們用象徵與感情生活的世界。唯有我們把照相機當作我們卓越的心智和想像力之眼(第三隻眼)的延伸,照相機才可能被我們用來探索內心世界。

"I despise "arty" technique but I dislike equally the use of the camera as a mere recording instrument. I am trying, instead, to create purely visual poetry, and to use objects as symbols of states of mind." 我既鄙視"藝術技巧"也不喜歡把照相機僅僅當作紀錄的工具。相反的,我一直在嘗試創造出單純的視覺詩,也將被攝對象當作可以呈現心智的象徵物。



3) 2006/10/17 20:19 
"There have been only two chief and consistent concerns in my work: 1) luminosity — the magic of light itself; 2) the use of the object as a symbol, and hence, of the camera as a living instrument to probe the intangible psychological jungle in which every object is enmeshed."

"I am not concerned, then, with photography in a narrow sense — its fascination for me is related to my interests in modern painting, in social questions, and in the nature of light and of time. The mystery of light, the enigma of time - form the twin pivots around which all my work resolves."



4) 2006/10/17 21:23 
也許每個 人的學習環境不同.經歷也不同.



5) 2006/10/22 17:33 
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